AES Semigas


5 May 2021

imec and Soitec CEOs appointed chair and vice-chair of SEMI Europe Advisory Board

SEMI (the industry association representing the global electronics manufacturing and design supply chain) has appointed Luc Van den hove, president & CEO of nanoelectronics research centre imec of Leuven, Belgium, as chair and Paul Boudre, CEO of engineered substrate manufacturer Soitec of Bernin, near Grenoble, France, as vice-chair of SEMI Europe’s Advisory Board.

imec’s president & CEO Luc Van den hove, new chair of SEMI Europe’s Advisory Board. Picture: imec’s president & CEO Luc Van den hove, new chair of SEMI Europe’s Advisory Board.

SEMI Europe Advisory Board members provide strategic guidance and represent the collective interests of all SEMI members to help foster the growth and profitability of the European microelectronics industry.

“We are honored to collaborate with a diverse group of executive leaders that epitomize both the technological and competitive advantages of Europe’s microelectronics industry,” comments Laith Altimime, president of SEMI Europe. “Together, we will work to advance the European microelectronics ecosystem to drive future growth and promote European strategic initiatives and partnerships.”

“We thank Kevin Crofton, CEO of Comet, for his strategic leadership and valuable support to SEMI Europe as a chair over the past years and continued member of the board,” he adds.

Soitec’s CEO Paul Boudre, new vice-chair of SEMI Europe’s Advisory Board. Picture: Soitec’s CEO Paul Boudre, new vice-chair of SEMI Europe’s Advisory Board.

“I am extremely honored to be appointed chair of the SEMI Europe board and consider this a recognition of the key position that imec has established over the years being one of the leading R&D centers in Europe,” says Van den hove. “I am looking forward to taking up my role and leverage my expertise and knowledge to further strengthen SEMI Europe’s efforts in connecting and supporting its members and drive innovation and growth in Europe by protecting its core competencies while strengthening global supply chains,” he adds.

“Our world and societies are facing major changes and disruptions. This creates significant opportunities for the semiconductor industry and for Europe as a whole,” believes Boudre. “SEMI is a key motor of this transformation, because it drives the development of our ecosystem, up and downstream, and helps us to bolster Europe’s leadership and sovereignty.”

Tags: SEMI IMEC Soitec


