AES Semigas


12 January 2021

NCTU using Veeco’s Propel MOCVD platform for GaN power and 5G device production

Epitaxial deposition and process equipment maker Veeco Instruments Inc of Plainview, NY, USA says that Taiwan’s National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in Hsinchu has selected it to be an essential collaborator in its initiative to drive Taiwan’s semiconductor production through 2035. The collaboration consortium comprises leading universities and semiconductor manufacturers with the goal of developing the next generation of advanced power, communication and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Veeco says that its single-wafer Propel metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) platform serves a critical role in driving the consortium.

“The National Chiao Tung University and the Taiwan semiconductor industry have a long history of enabling global technology megatrends,” states Edward Yi Chang Ph.D., senior vice president, dean of R&D and chair professor, NCTU. “Veeco brings world-class technologies and process know-how, and we have seen tremendous contributions from their single-wafer Propel platform, with its excellent performance and consistent results, while enabling scalability for the advanced development of GaN power and RF devices,” he comments.

According to Allied Market Research, the GaN power device market size will rise at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35% to $1.24bn in 2027. Market analyst firm Yole Développement estimates that the total GaN RF market will grow at a CAGR of 12% from $740m to more than $2bn by 2025, driven largely by telecom and defense applications.

“We are proud to be a key contributor to the exceptional work of Dr Chang and the consortium he has assembled, and we are convinced this collaboration will result in game-changing contributions to the global semiconductor industry,” comments Veeco’s chief marketing officer Scott Kroeger. “Veeco’s technology portfolio is focused on bringing unique value to semi and compound semi customers, and we are committed to driving exceptional progress in the fields of advanced power, communications, artificial intelligence and more,” he adds. “We look forward to expanding our participation and driving the next generation of experience age technologies.”

Tags: Veeco


