AES Semigas


27 January 2021

JEDEC WBG Power Semiconductor Committee publishes ‘Test Method for Continuous-Switching Evaluation of GaN Power Conversion Devices’

The JEDEC Solid State Technology Association (which develops standards for the microelectronics industry) has published ‘JEP182: Test Method for Continuous-Switching Evaluation of Gallium Nitride Power Conversion Devices’. Developed by JEDEC’s JC-70 Committee for Wide Bandgap Power Electronic Conversion Semiconductors, JEP182 is available for free download from the JEDEC website.

To enable the successful adoption of GaN power transistors, both reliable operation in power conversion applications and switching lifetime need to be demonstrated. JEP182, along with guidelines previously published by JC-70, helps to address that need by expanding the ecosystem of JEDEC guidelines for reliability evaluation, test and characterization of GaN power transistors under continuous switching conditions in power conversion applications.

Existing test methods for the Safe Operating Area (SOA) of silicon power transistors are not sufficient for full characterization of GaN power transistors, notes JEDEC. GaN devices switch very rapidly and experience simultaneous voltage and current stresses during multiple switching events. Therefore, in addition to conventional SOA, it is necessary to test GaN power transistors under continuous switching conditions.

The JEP182 document describes test methods and suggests test circuits for continuous switching of GaN power transistors. JEP180, previously published by JC-70 and also available on the JEDEC website, describes how to use these circuits to evaluate switching reliability.

“As a much anticipated complement to the previously published JEP180, JEP182 will further help facilitate industry-wide adoption of GaN power devices for a broad range of applications and industries such as automotive and data centers,” says JC-70 chair Dr Stephanie Watts Butler, technology innovation architect at Texas Instruments.

Formed in October 2017 with 23 member companies, JC-70 now has over 60 member companies, underscoring industry commitment to the development of universal standards to help to advance the adoption of wide-bandgap (WBG) power technologies. Global multi-national corporations and technology startups from the USA, Europe, Middle East and Asia are working together to bring to the industry a set of standards for reliability, testing and parametrics of WBG power semiconductors. Committee members include industry leaders in power GaN and SiC semiconductors, as well as users of wide-bandgap power devices, and test & measurement equipment suppliers. Technical experts from universities and national labs also provide input.

JEDEC says that interested companies worldwide are welcome to join it to participate in this standardization effort. The next JC-70 committee meeting will be held on 16 February on a virtual platform.

See related items:

JEDEC WBG Power Semiconductor Committee publishes ‘Guideline for Switching Reliability Evaluation Procedures for Gallium Nitride Power Conversion Devices’

JEDEC wide-bandgap power semiconductor committee publishes first document

Tags: Power electronics GaN SiC


