- News
15 October 2019
EPC expands AEC Q101 product family with automotive qualification of EPC2216 15V eGaN FET for ToF LiDAR
Efficient Power Conversion Corp (EPC) of El Segundo, CA, USA – which makes enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power field-effect transistors (FETs) for power management applications – has announced AEC Q101 automotive qualification of the 15V EPC2216 designed for light detection and ranging (LiDAR) applications where increased accuracy is vital such as in self-driving cars and other time-of-flight (ToF) applications including facial recognition, warehouse automation, drones and mapping.
As an 15V, 26mΩ eGaN FET with a 28A pulsed current rating in a 1.02mm2 footprint, the EPC2216 is suitable use in for firing the lasers in LiDAR systems because the FET can be triggered to create high-current with extremely short pulse widths. The short pulse width leads to higher resolution, and the small size and low cost make eGaN FETs suitable for ToF applications from automotive to industrial, healthcare to smart advertising, gaming and security.
To complete AEC Q101 testing, EPC’s eGaN FETs underwent environmental and bias-stress testingncluding humidity testing with bias (H3TRB), high-temperature reverse bias (HTRB), high-temperature gate bias (HTGB), temperature cycling (TC), as well as several other tests.
EPC says that its wafer-level chip-scale (WLCS) packaging passed all the same testing standards created for conventional packaged parts, demonstrating that the performance of chip-scale packaging does not compromise ruggedness or reliability. The eGaN devices are produced in facilities certified to the Automotive Quality Management System standard IATF 16949.
“This new automotive product joins a rapidly expanding family of EPC transistors and integrated circuits designed to enable autonomous driving and improve resolution and reduce cost in all time-of-flight applications,” says CEO & co-founder Alex Lidow.
The EPC2216 eGaN FET is priced at 2.5Ku/reel at $0.532 each and is available from distributor Digi-Key Corp.
EPC adds 80V eGaN FET to AEC Q101-qualified product family for high-resolution LiDAR
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