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26 September 2006


Riber develops new MBE research machine based on Kwansei Gakuin University patents

Earlier this month, MBE systems maker Riber acquired the exclusive rights to a family of patents filed by Japan’s Kwansei Gakuin University. The patents relate to a process of manufacturing, in situ, three dimensional patterns with compound semiconductor materials by means of MBE and electron beam writing.

The process has the capability to produce nano-features of precisely selected geometrical shape and organized nanometric dots or wires on the wafer surface, and could lead to a new variety of nano-devices for new applications, says the company.

Riber, Kwansei Gakuin University, and several Japanese industrial companies will enter into a partnership agreement to develop new research equipment for in-situ processing. The new MBE-Litho system will have several process step stations, including an MBE machine coupled with an electron beam writer.

A prototype MBE-Litho will be installed at Kwansei Gakuin University, where it will be used to demonstrate the capabilities of the process in terms of patterning conformation, resolution, and the electronic characteristics of the semiconductor materials processed.

Visit: http://www.riber.com