- News
22 November 2019
Midsummer Solar Roof installed power boosted by 6% per unit area; extra staff recruited to meet demand
Midsummer AB of Järfälla, near Stockholm, Sweden – a provider of turnkey production lines as well as flexible, lightweight copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar panels for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) – says that, by increasing the radius of its rounded solar cells from 90mm to 100mm, their power has been boosted by 6% per unit area, offering an installed power of 100W/m2 integrated on the Midsummer Solar Roof.
Where traditional solar panels with their fragile and heavy silicon-based solar cells with glass and aluminum frames stand out from the roofs, Midsummer’s cadmium-free thin-film solar panels are only 2mm thick, very flexible and durable. These are integrated with the firm’s own folded metal roofs, which can be connected to chimneys, skylights, covers and valleys, and are also fit to walk on. The metal roofs are custom-made to optimally match the solar module and maximize the total installed power, yielding a neat, discreet and efficient solar cell roof that is also maintenance-free, says Midsummer.
Demand is such that existing production is sold out until March 2020, the firm notes. To meet the demand for Midsummer Solar Roofs, additional staff are now being recruited to the production plant in Järfälla.