- News
8 November 2019
Scottish Enterprise-funded MIRAGE project helps secure CST Global access to global FTTH, sensing, imaging and telecoms markets
III-V optoelectronic foundry Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Ltd (CST Global) of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (a subsidiary of Sweden’s Sivers IMA Holdings AB) says that the Scottish Enterprise government-funded MIRAGE project – which has now completed, after starting in 2015 – has helped it to develop mid-infrared laser chips for applications in global fiber-to-the-home (FTTH), sensing, imaging, telecoms and data-center markets.
The first project of its kind in Scotland, MIRAGE was delivered by a collaboration of four SME companies: CST Global, Cascade Technologies, Gas Sensing Solutions and Amethyst Research. The project fund of £6.35m was managed through Scottish Enterprise and is expected to add £56m of cumulative growth to the Scottish economy and create 41 new jobs.
“The cutting-edge laser technology developed for MIRAGE is applicable to a wide range of massive-growth markets,” says Thomas Slight, project lead and research engineer at CST Global. “FTTH connectivity for cable television and the Internet is just one, but data-center connectivity, autonomous vehicles and many other industrial, defense and healthcare applications have been enabled,” he adds.
New commercial and residential buildings requiring direct FTTH connections for Internet and TV is a rapidly growing market, particularly in China, where CST Global already has a sales presence. According to a report from the Asia Video Industry Association (AVIA), the number of pay TV subscribers is expected to rise to 353 million by 2022.
“The MIRAGE project gave us access to the expertise and materials required to compete in these markets,” says Thomas. “Not only has it allowed CST Global to develop a new chip at the forefront of the global sensors and imaging systems sector, but it has also helped to create a globally competitive supply chain in Scotland,” he adds. “We have successfully manufactured competitive lasers in high volumes and yields that meet the required ITU standards. This has created six highly skilled new roles at CST Global alone, adding to our team of specialist engineers.”