- News
13 March 2019
Mitsubishi Electric exhibiting new products at APEC
At the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2019) in Anaheim, CA, USA (18-20 March), the Semiconductor & Device Division (SDD) of Mitsubishi Electric US Inc of Cypress, CA, USA is exhibiting its power semiconductor products and presenting targeted seminars.
In booth #139, the full lineup of products is on display including seventh-generation insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs), G1 Series IPMs, Version 6 DIPIPMs, SLIMDIPs, DIPIPM+, MISOP, J1-Series automotive modules, X-Series high-voltage IGBTs and silicon carbide (SiC)-based modules.
The SDD Application Engineering Team is presenting the following seminars and paper:
- ‘Advantages of a 3.3kV SiC MOSFET Module in Traction Applications’ by Mark Steiner (19 March 8:30–11:55, Room 210A);
- ‘LV100 and HV100 New Industry Standard Packages for High Power Applications’ by Eric Motto (19 March 14:15–14:45, Room Theatre 1);
- ‘New Transfer Molded SMD IPM for Compact Inverters (MISOP)’ by Michael Rogers (20 March 8:30–10:10, Room 210D).
- ‘An Experimental Approach to Identify Source and Cause of Radiation Noise Over Inverter System and Bare Power Chips’ by Toshiya Tadakuma (21 March 11:30–14:00, Poster Area).
Mitsubishi Electric SiC power modules