- News
13 June 2019
First installation of Midsummer’s new improved integrated solar cell roof
Midsummer AB of Järfälla, near Stockholm, Sweden – a provider of turnkey production lines as well as flexible, lightweight copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film solar panels for building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) – has announced the first installation of its new, slimmer energy-producing ‘Midsummer solar roof’. Sited on a house in Kivik, south Sweden (belonging to the same private customer who installed the first version of Midsummer’s energy-producing metal roof last year), the thin-film solar panels are integrated with the folded metal roof. “Our end customer in Kivik was very happy with the previously installed solar cell roof,” says CEO Sven Lindström.
The new model solar cell roof is slimmer than the previous one and increases the installed power per square meter. It also offers the possibility to connect the solar panels for longer roofs, so Midsummer can supply its metal roof with integrated solar panels in lengths of up to 12m.
Midsummer solar roofs are supplied with solar panels already mounted, and installation is said to be as simple as for a metal roof without solar cells. The firm also offers installation with turnkey contracts. The light, thin and flexible solar panels are fit to walk on and the weight does not differ significantly from a standard metal roof (and likewise for the appearance and price).
Midsummer solar roofs have an expected lifetime of 25 years with a guarantee of 15 years for the roof, and a guarantee that the roof delivers 90% of the installed peak power after ten years and 80% of the installed peak power after 25 years.
Midsummer expands into customer end-market with BIPV metal sheet solar roof