- News
10 June 2019
FBH presenting custom diode lasers and UV LEDs and demonstrating systems for LiDAR & SERDS
At the joint Berlin-Brandenburg stand (booth B2.119) at the Laser World of Photonics 2019 in Munich (24–27 June), Berlin-based Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH) – together with spin-off UVphotonics – is presenting its latest developments in diode lasers and ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (UV LEDs), from chips and modules with and without fiber coupling to live demonstrators for LiDAR and Raman spectroscopy.
LiDAR demonstrator: standalone, PC-controlled pulsed laser source
As part of the ‘Research Fab Microelectronics Germany’, FBH is presenting a live demonstrator for pulsed laser sources that allows flexible adjustment of pulse duration and intensity. Visitors can use a tablet to change the desired parameters and monitor the results in real time on screen. With its PLS flex, FBH offers laser sources that deliver pulses in the range from 200ps to 20ns. The systems can be equipped with diode lasers of various wavelengths (630-1180nm) and power ranges. Laser diodes, which are wavelength stabilized at 905nm, achieve output powers of up to 100W at ambient temperatures up to 85°C. This makes them suitable for use in light detection & ranging (LiDAR) systems. FBH offers the chips in a complete development environment with driver electronics and control software.
SERDS turnkey system in use – for Raman spectroscopic measurements on site
The compact turnkey laser system for Raman measurements is equipped with a monolithic Y-dual-wavelength diode laser, which alternately emits light at two slightly different wavelengths. The system allows very fast measurements using shifted excitation Raman difference spectroscopy (SERDS). The spectral distance of both wavelengths can be adjusted via micro-heaters above the distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) gratings that define the wavelength. If the systems are complemented with a suitable power supply, spectrometer, data acquisition and software interface, they can be used for on-site measurements. In-house-developed portable systems have already been used successfully for measurements on food, soil, plants and human skin.
CLEO Europe conference
At the accompanying conference 2019 Conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics (CLEO)/Europe (23–27 June), FBH is giving 16 scientific presentations:
24 June
- Dual-Wavelength Y-Branch DBR-RW Diode Laser at 785nm with Adjustable Spectral Distance from 0 up to 1.6nm (Poster);
- Passively mode-locked quantum-well semiconductor laser subject to ultra-short optical self-feedback with nanometric fine-delay (Poster);
- Efficient Tm:YAG and Tm:LuAG lasers pumped by red tapered diodes;
- Monolithic master oscillator with tapered power amplifier diode laser at 1060nm with additional control section for high power operation.
25 June
- Determination of the residual amplified spontaneous emission in single-mode semiconductor optical amplifiers;
- Widely tunable Watt-level MOPA systems emitting at 976nm;
- Coherent superposition of pulsed high-brightness tapered amplifiers;
- Wavelength-stabilized 905nm diode lasers in the 100W class for automotive LiDAR;
- Efficient Narrow Stripe Ridge Waveguide Lasers for Single-Spatial Mode Operation up to 2.5W;
- Narrower Far Field and Higher Efficiency in 1kW Diode-Laser Bars Using Improved Lateral Structuring;
- Efficient, High Power Pumps for Mid-IR Solid State Lasers Enabled by 200K Operation of 808nm Diode Lasers;
- Optimization of 808nm DBR RW Laser Bars for Operation at Low Noise and High Reliability.
26 June
- Development and qualification of miniaturized, UHV-compatible optical systems for integrated atomic quantum sensors.
27 June
- A micro-integrated mode-locked extended-cavity diode laser emitting in the wavelength range around 780nm;
- Polarisation-resolved investigations of the pico- and nanosecond dynamics of broad area distributed Bragg reflector lasers under very high-current pulse excitation;
- Continuous-wave THz source based on an electrically tunable monolithic two-color semiconductor diode laser.