- News
21 February 2019
Pivotal selects MACOM as RF component supplier for 5G in-building penetration device
MACOM Technology Solutions Inc of Lowell, MA, USA (which makes semiconductors, components and subassemblies for RF, microwave, millimeter-wave and lightwave applications) says that its mmWave products - manufactured with its gallium arsenide (GaAs) and aluminium gallium arsenide (AlGaAs) process technology – have been integration into the Echo 5G product line of Pivotal Commware Inc of Kirkland, WA, USA (which develops communications platforms, systems and applications based on its Holographic Beam Forming technology).
The window-mounted, self-installable Echo 5G Subscriber product, for example, can overcome the biggest obstacle to fixed 5G wireless access at millimeter waves - in-building penetration of Gigabit speed broadband to homes and businesses. Holographic Beam Forming allows Echo 5G to penetrate Low-E glass coatings and multiple panes of glass using very little power, which drives its low weight and size profile on the window. MACOM’s mmWave technology leverages and extends these capabilities.
MACOM says that 5G at mmWave frequencies has catalyzed an explosion in demand for coverage and throughput of broadband wireless access with speeds in excess of 1Gb/s. To meet demand for time to market, cost and performance, RF device providers need to work intimately with system architects to achieve the optimum solution for the end applications, the firm adds.
“Power handling, efficiency, insertion loss and channel isolation are major challenges for RF components at mmWave frequencies,” says Pivotal’s CEO Brian Deutsch. “MACOM’s products and technology overcomes these challenges and will ensure that the Echo 5G product line facilitates not only 5G fixed wireless in-building penetration and subscriber self-installation but also the cost-effective extension, redirection and shaping of 5G network coverage on demand and with low latency. Carriers will see huge savings on base-station deployment CapEx and on the OpEx that goes with them,” he adds. “With the Echo 5G product line, wireless carriers achieve the cost economics allowing them to effectively compete against wired broadband service incumbents,” Deutsch claims.
“Pivotal’s Echo 5G Subscriber and Network products will be game-changers for the wireless carriers who deploy them,” believes MACOM’s president & CEO John Croteau. “MACOM’s broad portfolio of amplification, signal generation and control components across the microwave and mmWave spectrum - coupled with our unmatched heterolithic integration capabilities - offer the industry’s lowest insertion loss and best noise figure, providing superior reception for macrocell base stations and fixed wireless access points,” he claims.