- News
15 February 2019
Radiation characteristics measured with high precision
In booth #10506 at Strategies in Light 2019 in Las Vegas. NV, USA (27 February to 1 March 2019), Instrument Systems GmbH of Munich, Germany (a subsidiary of Konica Minolta Group since 2012) is demonstrating technology for the measurement of solid-state lighting sources at several photometric and spectroradiometric measuring stations. Among the highlights are the new LGS 650 goniophotometer and common measurement applications for VCSEL/laser, UV LEDs and high-power LEDs. The portfolio will be complemented by color and appearance measuring instruments of US sales partner Konica Minolta Sensing Americas.
The spectroradiometer CAS 140D reference device forms the system basis for many applications and has now been joined by the high-resolution CAS 140CT-HR. The design of the CAS 140CT-HR is particularly geared for the measurement of narrowband emission sources, e.g. laser diodes or VCSELs. Extremely high spectral resolution of up to 0.2nm full width at half maximum (FWHM) and particularly short integration times as low as 9ms enable fast tests in the laboratory and production.
In addition, Instrument Systems’ D Ðenan Konjhodžić is giving a lecture ‘How Safe is Your Lighting Environment? An Evaluation Guide for Blue Light Hazard’ on 28 February (1:45pm) in Oceanside C.