- News
18 February 2019
CST Global announces moderators for T@CST website’s discussion forum categories
After launching the www.technologyatCST.org website at the T@CST ‘Commercializing Quantum Technology’ event last November, III-V optoelectronic foundry Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Ltd (CST Global) of Glasgow, Scotland, UK has announced the industry experts who have volunteered to moderate each of its discussion forum’s six categories (established at the event as the critical enablers for commercialization). They are:
- Market Readiness – Dr Anke Lohman of ESP;
- Economics – Mark Western; technology sector manager for Scottish Enterprise;
- Technical Maturity – Dr Ole Kock, technical authority – quantum sensors at Teledyne e2v;
- Political Support – Ronnie Smith, chief executive of Lanarkshire Business Gateway;
- Industrial Environment – Stephen Taylor, CEO of Technology Scotland; and
- Talent – Richard Hogg, professor of photonics at the University of Glasgow.
“The moderators will actively participate in writing content and replying to comments on the forum,” says CST Global’s VP sales & marketing Euan Livingston. “They will instigate and manage debate; keep content and discussions relevant; and facilitate debate on how the critical enablers to quantum commercialization are tackled,” he adds.
Although the initial T@CST event covered quantum technologies, the same moderators will also cover the Array Technology event in May and the High-Power IR technology event in November.
CST Global launches T@CST forum for commercializing photonics technologies
CST Global’s technology day helps to launch T@CST photonics collective