- News
28 November 2018
Comtech PST launches 6-18GHz GaN-based solid-state power amplifier
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Comtech PST Corp of Melville, NY, USA has launched the small-form-factor model BME69189-100 gallium nitride (GaN) solid-state power amplifier (SSPA) as a replacement for traveling-wave tubes and microwave power modules in electronic warfare (EW), radar, communications and other applications where space, cooling and power are limited.
The 6-18GHz AB linear RF amplifier features ultra-wideband operation, full power across the entire bandwidth (with typical RF power output of 100W), low harmonic distortion, low-voltage operation (28V or 270V DC input), soft failure and graceful degradation, and integrated RF power reporting. Gain at 100W is less than 46dB, and the maximum voltage standing wave ratio is 2:1. DC power and standby is less than 30W.
Measuring 8-inches by 7-inches by 2.5 inches and weighing 5.5 pounds, the amplifier has built-in test for over-current, over-temperature and high-reflected power faults. It uses SMA female field-replaceable RF connectors for the RF input and TNC female field-replaceable connectors for the RF output.
The RF and microwave device operates at temperatures from -40°C to 75°C, and meets the MIL-STD-810F standard for shock and fibration.