- News
29 May 2018
Microsemi launches 30kW three-phase Vienna PFC reference design using SiC diodes and MOSFETs
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Microsemi Corp of Aliso Viejo, CA, USA (which makes chips for aerospace & defense, communications, data-center and industrial markets) has announced the availability of its new scalable 30kW, three-phase Vienna power factor correction (PFC) topology reference design featuring its silicon carbide (SiC) diodes and MOSFETS.
Developed in collaboration with North Carolina State University (NCSU), the scalable, user-friendly solution is suited to fast electric vehicle (EV) charging and other high-power automotive and industrial applications, providing more efficient switching as well as high-avalanche/repetitive unclamped inductive switching (UIS) and high short-circuit withstand ratings when using the firm’s robust SiC MOSFETs and diodes. The active rectifier PFC reference design, along with other solutions in the SiC product family, is being demonstrated in booth 318 (hall 6) at PCIM Europe 2018 (Power Conversion and Intelligent Motion) in Nuremberg, Germany (5-7 June).
“As the automotive market transitions toward more hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) and battery electric cars, SiC allows for better efficiency, resulting in better mileage,” says Leon Gross, VP & business unit manager for Microsemi’s Discrete and Power Management group. “This continues to drive high demand for these SiC devices in our portfolio, as well as our other high-reliability product offerings,” he adds. “After successfully releasing our SiC MOSFET and diode product portfolio over the past few years, our new three-phase three-switch three-level PFC reference design is a concrete example of how to leverage these parts in demanding applications that showcase its ruggedness, high performance and overall value.”
Microsemi’s user-friendly 30kW three-phase PFC reference design includes design files for use with the firm’s next-generation SiC diodes and MOSFETS, open-source digital control software and a user guide. The topology offers advantages over single-phase PFC and two-level, six-switch boost pulse width modulated (PWM) rectifier designs, which include operation in continuous conduction mode with extremely low distortion, reduced switching losses on power devices of about 98% for high efficiency and a compact form factor compared with silicon/IGBT (insulated-gate bipolar transistor) solutions.
The reference design also offers a detailed 3D mechanical and thermal design with an integrated fan and cooling channel to reduce thermal resistance and total system size. Its printed circuit board (PCB) layout was developed with considerations for safety, current stress, mechanical stress and noise immunity, and the reference design package features ready-to-use hardware and verified open-source software to reduce the technical risk of high-power switching designs while accelerating product time to market.
In addition to its suitability for fast EV/HEV chargers and high-power three-phase power supplies in the automotive and industrial markets, Microsemi’s new active three-phase PFC reference design can also be used in medical, aerospace, defense and data-center markets. The reference design adds to the firm’s overall SiC portfolio, which can also be used for HEV/EV charging, conductive/inductive onboard charging (OBC), DC-DC converters, EV powertrain/traction controls, photovoltaic (PV) inverters and actuation applications.
Market research firms including IndustryARC and Technavio expect the EV power electronics market to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19-33% through 2021, with the adoption of wide-bandgap semiconductors including SiC devices increasing due to their high operating temperature capability and efficiency for EV powertrain, DC-DC converters, charging and switching power supply applications.
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