- News
29 May 2018
Integra launches fully matched 25W 5-6GHz C-band GaN-on-SiC RF power transistor
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Integra Technologies Inc (ITI) of El Segundo, CA, USA, which makes high-power RF and microwave transistors and power amplifier modules, has launched a fully matched, gallium nitride on silicon carbide (GaN/SiC) RF power transistor suitable for C-band continuous wave (CW) applications.
The IGT5259CW25 is fully matched to 50Ω, operates at the instantaneous frequency range 5.2-5.9GHz, and offers a minimum of 25W of output power at 36V drain bias. It features 12dB of gain and 48% efficiency under CW conditions. Negative gate voltage and bias sequencing are required when using the transistor.