- News
24 July 2018
CST Global presents at European Summer School on PICs for Optical Interconnects
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
At the 3rd European Summer School on PICs for Optical Interconnects at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) in Greece (jointly organized by Ireland’s Tyndall National Institute), one of the guest speakers was Susannah Heck, principal device development engineer at III-V optoelectronic foundry Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Ltd (CST Global) of Hamilton International Technology Park, Blantyre, near Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
Chaired by professors Nikos Pleros, Liam O'Faolain and Amalia Miliou, the summer school forms part of the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020-ICT framework projects ICT-STREAMS and COSMICC. The audience comprised postgraduate students, post-doctorate students and academics from across Europe; engineers from NTT in Japan; and engineers developing optical systems and subsystem in commercial organizations.
“The Summer School is focused on integrated photonics and optical interconnect technologies and architectures, across different hierarchy levels, in data centers and high-performance computing systems,” says Heck. “I presented an overview of CST Global’s 100mm indium phosphide (InP) wafer platform, which is used to design and fabricate distributed feedback (DFB) lasers in high volumes for data center, PON [passive optical network] and 4G/5G applications,” she adds. “Next-generation DFB lasers are currently being developed at CST Global as part of the Innovate UK, government-funded DilaN and Super8 research projects.”
CSTG III-Vs-on-Si silicon photonics