- News
16 July 2018
Analog Devices breaks ground on new global HQ
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Analog Devices Inc of Norwood, MA, USA (which provides mixed-signal ICs for cable access) has officially broken ground on its new global headquarters in Wilmington, MA, in a ceremony attended by Jay Ash (Secretary of Housing and Economic Development for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts), Senator Bruce Tarr, Jeff Hull (manager of the Town of Wilmington) and other dignitaries from the Commonwealth, Associated Industries of Massachusetts, the Town of Wilmington Board of Selectmen and Finance Committee.
The expanded facility will feature laboratories, as well as design and manufacturing and cross-functional group collaboration space. In addition to 147,000ft2 extra for R&D, the headquarters will include a 50,000ft2 Hub comprising a café, fitness facility and auditorium designed to enable and encourage employees from all departments and functions to gather, connect and engage. Analog Devices partnered with architect Steven Baker on design, and Lee Kennedy for construction. The firm anticipates moving into the new buildings by 2020.
“We have invested and upgraded our facilities globally to provide more modern, latest technological and work design advances, to support and foster the highest level of innovation,” says John Hassett, senior VP of global operations and technology. “This new campus will be our global showcase – enabling us to highlight our best work, attract top talent and build new partnerships.”
With a presence in Wilmington dating back to 1981, Analog Devices is the longest-standing and largest manufacturer in the town, supporting the local community from underwriting local STEM scholarships to sponsoring athletics and contributing to environmental causes.
“The strength of Massachusetts is exemplified by Analog Devices and its position at the forefront of technology,” said Ash at the ceremony, following brief remarks from guests including Analog Devices’ co-founder & chairman Ray Stata.