- News
27 July 2018
Baylin’s Alga Microwave receives order from NATO customer for GaAs-based BUCs
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
Toronto-based Baylin Technologies Inc says that its subsidiary Alga Microwave of Kirkland, Quebec, Canada (acquired on 28 June) has received an order worth over half a million dollars from a NATO customer for its satellite communication (SatCom) gallium arsenide (GaAs)-based block up-converters (BUCs).
“Our customers appreciate the exceptional linearity and operating efficiency,” claims Baylin’s president & CEO Randy Dewey. “The GaAs Ku-band line of block up-converters (BUCs) from Alga is extremely versatile, offering compact size, light weight and superior phase noise.”
Baylin says that Alga’s latest generation of Ku-band GaAs-based BUCs are extremely adaptable and suited to harsh environments, Satcom on the Move (SOTM) and man-pack terminal deployments. The Ku-band GaAs-based BUCs are built for VSAT stabilized platforms and mobile stations while also offering benefits for fixed-site and offshore drilling applications. Weighing less than five pounds each, the smaller BUCs are fully integrated units that enable new terminal designs for both mobile and on-the-halt tactical communication systems.