- News
19 February 2018
Infineon highlighting power semiconductor technologies at APEC
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno PublishiPicture: Disco’s DAL7440 KABRA laser saw.
In booth 701 at the Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC 2018) in San Antonio, TX, USA (4-8 March), Infineon Technologies AG of Munich, Germany is showcasing energy-efficient, reliable and cost-effective power semiconductor devices based on silicon, silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN).
Highlighting the growing reliability and market maturity of wide-bandgap power technologies, as well as continued improvements in silicon-based MOSFETs and IGBTs, Infineon is exhibiting new XDP family digital controllers, intelligent power modules and audio drivers, as well as GaN-based boards for telecom, server and consumer electronics applications, SiC MOSFETs and diodes, and automotive-qualified inverter modules.
During APEC, Infineon is also participating in sessions and seminars including:
4 March
- Professional education seminar (S11, 2:30–6pm, room 206): ‘Power Semiconductors for Traction Inverters in Vehicles – from Discretes to Power Modules, from Silicon to Wide Bandgap Devices’, A. Christmann and D. Levett;
5 March
- Professional education seminar (S13, 8:30am–12pm, room 217BC): ‘Gate Driver Design for IGBT and SiC based Power Devices and Modules’, D. Levett.
6 March
- Industry session (IS01, 8:30–11:55am, room 206): ‘Latest Advancements in Device and Package Technology for High Power, High Frequency Switching Device’ T. McDonald (co-chair);
- Technical session (T02, 8:30am–12pm, room 214B): ‘Hybrid DC-DC Converters’, C. Gezgin (co-chair);
- Exhibitor seminar (3–3:30pm, room 217C): ‘New Gate-Driver IC with Excellent Ground-shift Robustness’, Hubert Baierl (speaker);
- Rap session 1 (5–6:30pm): ‘Biggest Impact on Power Conversion – Devices or Magnetics?’, M. Schlenk;
- Rap session 2 (5–6:30pm): ‘Gate Drive Isolation Technologies – Optical, Magnetic or Capacitive Coupling’, A. Tu and W. Frank;
- Rap session 3 (5–6:30pm): ‘GaN vs. SiC vs. Si for Next Generation Power Devices’, G. DeBoy.
7 March
- Industry session (IS10, 8:30–10:10am, room 213): ‘Modeling & Simulation’, W. Moussa (chair);
- Technical session (T10, 8–10:10am, room 214B): ‘Power Electronics for Utility Interface – Power Quality & Harmonics’, D. Giacomini ((co-chair);
- Industry session (IS15, 2–5:25pm, room 213): ‘Motor Drives, Inverters and Modules’ D. Levett (chair);
- Technical session (T20, 2–5:30pm, room 214D): ‘GaN Device Opportunities and Challenges’ T. McDonald (co-chair).
8 March
- Industry session (IS16, 8:30–11:30am, room 206): ‘Reliability and Ruggedness – How to Address These Challenges in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Devices’, T. McDonald (co-chair);
- Industry session (IS20, 8:30–11:30am, room 213): ‘PMBus Implementation and Applications’, R. Balasubramaniam (co-chair);
- Poster session (D01, 11:30am–2pm, Hemisphere ballroom C1 & C2): ‘AC-DC Converters’, D. Giacomini (co-chair);
- Poster sessions (D03, 11:30am–2pm, Hemisphere ballroom C1 & C2): ‘Miscellaneous Topics in DC-DC Converters II’, A. Pathak (chair).