- News
3 October 2017
MACOM showcasing GaN-on-Si portfolio and high-performance MMICs and diodes at EuMW
In booth #200 at European Microwave Week (EuMW 2017) in Nürnberg Convention Center, Germany (10–12 October), M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc of Lowell, MA, USA (which makes semiconductors, components and subassemblies for analog RF, microwave, millimeter-wave and photonic applications) is showcasing its gallium nitride-on-silicon (GaN-on-Si) portfolio and other high-performance monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs) and diode products.
The booth features new products optimized for base-station, aerospace and defense, RF energy, commercial, and industrial, scientific & medical RF applications, namely:
- high-power GaN-on-Si (RF Energy Toolkit enabling faster and easier solid-state RF system development, and a 500W GaN-on-Si device with high efficiency and power at elevated temperature, suitable for rugged aerospace & defense applications);
- RF small-signal portfolio (featuring high-performance MMICs and base-station and mobile backhaul devices);
- high-performance diodes (diode design and application-specific solutions); and
- high-reliabiity (hi-rel) and component devices (the latest screened products for mission-critical aerospace applications).
Members of MACOM’s product management, engineering and applications teams will be available in the booth.
MACOM experts are also participating in various sessions throughout EuMW, including:
- Technical Session EuMIC02-1: ‘GaN-on-Silicon – Present Challenges and Future Opportunities’ - presenter Tim Boles (9 October 8:30-8:50am CEST; location – Riga);
- Poster Session EuMIC05-03: ‘Rugged AlGaAs PIN Diode Switches’ - presenter - James Brogle (9 October 12:30–2:10pm CEST; location - Conference Centre); and
- Defence, Security & Space Forum – MWJ Industry Panel Session: Internet of Space, Past, Present & Future - presenter Tim Boles (11 October 1:50–3:30pm CEST; location - St. Petersburg).
M/A-COMGaN RF power transistors