- News
3 May 2017
SoraaLaser demonstrating new dynamic laser light source technology for specialty lighting
In booth # 5807 at LightFair International in Philadelphia (9-11 May), SoraaLaser of Goleta, CA, USA (a spin-off from LED lighting firm Soraa Inc that is commercializing visible laser light sources for display, automotive and specialty applications) is demonstrating its new dynamic laser light source technology
The solid-state light sources feature fiber-delivered illumination that can be dynamically tuned from a narrow beam spotlight to a broad floodlight using a smartphone app control.
SoraaLaser claims that its solid-state laser light source technology provides advantages over LED, OLED and legacy sources in specialty lighting by enabling digital design freedom for specifiers and luminaire manufacturers in architectural, outdoor, hospitality, retail, security and entertainment lighting. In the past, dynamic beam shaping could only be accomplished by motors, manual change-out of optics, or the switching on and off of many dozens of LEDs within a large matrix, says the firm.
SoraaLaser’s visible laser light sources utilize its patented semi-polar gallium nitride (GaN) laser diodes, combined with advanced phosphor technology, packaged into lighting-friendly assemblies. Compared with other light sources, they are said to provide novel properties by combining the benefits of solid-state illumination (such as minimal power consumption and long lifetime) with the highly directional output that has been possible only with legacy technology. Because the laser diodes are focused to a small spot on the phosphor and converted to white light, the SoraaLaser light sources are said to deliver high luminance and enable safe, highly collimated white light output, superior optical control with miniature optics and reflectors, along with high-efficiency fiber-optic transport and waveguide delivery.
SoraaLaser presenting expanded LaserLight source technology at Strategies in Light