- News
4 May 2017
CST Global confirms acquisition by Sivers IMA following shareholders’ vote
Following a shareholders’ vote at an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) on 2 May, III-V optoelectronic foundry Compound Semiconductor Technologies Global Ltd (CST Global) of Hamilton (near Glasgow), Scotland, UK has confirmed that it is to be acquired by Sivers IMA Holding AB of Kista (north of Stockholm), Sweden.
Sivers IMA is a fabless developer and supplier of microwave and millimetre-wave technology for existing and next-generation network applications in WiGig/5G wireless communication and radar sensors. By acquiring CST Global, a volume-producer of semiconductor lasers, it adds a foundry facility and direct, fiber-optic, network product manufacturing capability to its portfolio. This includes production of the lasers used in high-growth, data-center, cloud and fibre-to-the-subscriber markets in China, Europe and America.
“Both companies are seeing more than 45% growth, compared to the same period last year,” says CST Global’s CEO Neil Martin. “We operate in complementary parts of the emerging, next-generation, high-subscriber network markets where we can now offer photonic, microwave and millimeter wave solutions.”
Sivers IMA acquiring CST Global