- News
22 March 2017
Finisar demos new 400G, 200G and 100G pluggable optical modules and launches Flexgrid single low-profile WSS
In booth #2403 at the Optical Fiber Communication conference & exposition (OFC 2017) in Los Angeles (21-23 March), fiber-optic communications component and subsystem maker Finisar Corp of Sunnyvale, CA, USA is giving multiple optics product and technology demonstrations. The firm is featuring new module types, including 400G CFP8 FR8 and LR8 transceivers, 200G QSFP56 FR4 and LR4 transceivers, and a 100G QSFP28 eSR4 extended-reach transceiver. It is also demonstrating its new Flexgrid single low-profile wavelength-selective switch (WSS) for next-generation reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer (ROADM) subsystems.
400G CFP8 FR8 and LR8 transceivers with PAM4
During OFC, Finisar is giving multiple demonstrations of its MSA-compliant 400G CFP8 transceiver, which is enabled by 50G pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) technology. Adopted by the IEEE for 50Gb/s-per-lane Ethernet signaling, the PAM4 modulation format is expected to become the building block for future 50GE, 100GE, 200GE and 400GE interconnects. The CFP8 module is a versatile new form factor, offering the highest date rate commercially available. Finisar’s CFP8 family includes an FR8 version supporting 2km reach and an LR8 version for 10km reach, both operating over single-mode fiber. The module is suitable for router-to-router and router-to-transport client interfaces.
For the first time at OFC, optical cables span several booths across the show floor, creating a network of interlocked systems and test equipment platforms. These booths each display error-free live traffic at 400Gb/s using working Finisar CFP8 modules as the transmission vehicle. In total, there are eight working CFP8 samples from Finisar on the show floor. These modules are on display in Finisar’s booth (in a tester provided by Ixia), the Ethernet Alliance booth #3709, Viavi Solutions’ booth #2303 and Xilinx’s booth #1809.
200G QSFP56 LR4 transceiver for hyperscale data centers
Finisar’s new 200G QSFP56 optical module represents an evolution of the four-lane QSFP+ form factor and is suitable for hyperscale data centers and high-performance computing (HPC) environments. The 200G QSFP56 family will initially include an FR4 version supporting 2km reach and an LR4 version for 10km reach, both operating over single-mode fiber. It is claimed to be the first 200G module to use 4x50G PAM4 electrical and optical interfaces, and is intended to work in conjunction with the next generation of switching silicon, enabling 6.4Tb/s in single rack unit (RU) configuration. The demonstration features an LR4 module designed for 10km reach, per the IEEE’s 200GBASE-LR4 standard.
100G QSFP28 eSR4 transceiver with longest extended reach
Finisar’s newest 100G QSFP28 extended SR4 (eSR4) module offers what is claimed to be the industry’s longest reach over multi-mode fiber (MMF), making it attractive for enterprises and large data centers. While the IEEE 100GBASE-SR4 specification is only 70m over OM3 fiber and 100m over OM4 fiber, the new QSFP28 eSR4 module enables 300m over OM3 fiber and 400m over OM4 fiber, which matches reaches commonly deployed for 10G and 40G applications. This extended-reach capability ensures that data centers and enterprises with installed multi-mode fiber can use the existing fiber plant to seamlessly upgrade to 100G without worrying about incompatibilities that typically result from other modules capable of shorter reaches. The product uses parallel optics and could also interoperate in a fan-out configuration with four of Finisar’s 25G SFP28 eSR extended-reach transceivers.
The live demonstration shows two Finisar 100G QSFP28 eSR4 transceivers connected over 300m of OM3 fiber. Traffic is generated and measured by an Anritsu MT1100A Network Master Flex.
Flexgrid single low-profile WSS for next-gen ROADM architectures
The single low-profile WSS, designed for single-slot ROADM line cards, is the latest addition to the firm’s portfolio of wavelength-selective switches built on Finisar’s Flexgrid and Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) technology. Fully ITU Flexible Grid compliant, it offers dynamic deployment of bandwidth at 6.25GHz spectral width and intra-channel attenuation control to enable optimal performance over an optical transmission link. It comes in a wide range of configurations from 1x2 to 1x9 and supports next-generation express and innovative colorless directionless add/drop architectures.
The live demonstration features a 1x9 WSS configured to switch a mix of transceiver and ASE inputs to a common output port. The set-up also features Finisar’s high-resolution optical channel monitor (OCM), demonstrating optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) performance in a compact, cost-effective optical component.