- News
28 June 2017
Solar Frontier’s CIS solar panels installed on factory in Thailand
Tokyo-based Solar Frontier – the largest manufacturer of CIS (copper indium selenium) thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar modules – has announced the installation of 2848 of its solar panels (equivalent to 484.16kW in capacity) on two factory buildings of Thailand’s Kaosu Packing (Sriracha) Industry Co Ltd, a manufacturer of EPS (expanded polystyrene) and EPP (expanded propylene) packing foam. Expected annual power generation is 705,100kWh, and all power generated will be for self-consumption, leading to an expected level of CO2 reduction of 409 tons over the year.
The project was constructed by Thai solar power engineering, procurement & construction (EPC) specialist Energy Pro Corporation Ltd, which has a long-standing relationship with Solar Frontier throughout the region.
Picture: Solar Frontier’s panels installed on Kaosu Packing factory buildings in Thailand.
“After careful consideration, Kaosu Packing chose Solar Frontier’s CIS thin-film modules due to their high-performance energy output and the reliability of their made-in-Japan quality and long-term commitment to maintenance,” comments Energy Pro Corp’s managing director Masahiko Nakagawa. “Operation of the panels started in late May and has provided consistent energy generation for the operation of Kaosu Packing’s factories,” he adds.
“Kaosu Packing provides packing protection to companies in a wide range of sectors, from consumer appliances to heavy industry, and has - as part of its mission statement - a strong commitment to the environment,” notes Solar Frontier executive officer Yuichi Kuroda. “As Solar Frontier’s premium CIS thin-film solar panels have been designed with real-world conditions in mind, they are a reliable solution year-round to help achieve CO2 reduction, promote green energy and save electricity.”
Solar Frontier’s CIS solar panels installed at Shell HQ buildings in Thailand