- News
29 June 2017
Upgrades and enhancements to NI AWR Design Environment now available in V13.02
RF/microwave electronic design automation (EDA) software provider NI (formerly AWR Corp) of El Segundo, CA, USA has released an updated Version 13.02 of its NI AWR Design Environment that contains many upgrades and enhancements to Microwave Office and Analog Office circuit design software, Visual System Simulator (VSS) system design software and AXIEM and Analyst 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulators.
This latest release continues to address design challenges associated with highly integrated RF/microwave components (power amplifiers, filters, and more) commonly found in communications and radar systems.
Select V13.02 enhancements include:
- Microwave Office Load Pull: a new script improves the handling of projects with large numbers of load-pull measurements;
- AXIEM EM Technology: improved iterative solver passivity as well as improved AXIEM DC convergence of the multiple RHS solver, and improved solver speed and memory performance;
- Remote Computing: improved file transfer speed between local and remote machines; and
- User Environment: dozens of user-productivity enhancements related to NI AWR Design Environment job scheduler, user environment, measurements and interchange file format (IFF)/printed circuit board (PCB) wizards.