- News
1 December 2017
O-Net uses Semtech’s ClearEdge CDRs to develop first 400m-reach SFP28 AOC
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno Publishing
O-Net Technologies (Group) Ltd of Shenzhen, China (which provides optical networking products for telecoms and datacoms applications) says that its SFP28 active optical cable (AOC), which is integrated with the 25Gbps Dual ClearEdge CDR (clock & data recovery chip) of Semtech Corp of Camarillo, CA, USA (which supplies analog and mixed-signal semiconductors for high-end consumer, enterprise computing, communications and industrial equipment), has reached a transmission distance of 400m of OM4 fiber with RS-FEC and 300m without RS-FEC by passing multiple tests.
The SFP28 AOC (part number 1AT-LS6MxxXX-01A, which entered mass production in August) is a 25G/28G transceiver that can accelerate data-center and high-performance computing interconnections.
To offer next-generation computing connectivity, global web-scale data centers have a growing need for high-speed connectivity solutions that deliver increased bandwidth and reach. Existing AOCs typically have a maximum transmission distance of 100m per cable.
O-Net says that, leveraging its transceiver design and durable low-cost packaging technology as well as Semtech’s GN2147 25G ClearEdge CDR technology with integrated vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) compensation, O-Net has made significant strides by developing the new SFP28 AOC with reach of up to 400m. The firm’s AOC transmits 25Gbps data over parallel multi-mode fiber cable and enables the acceleration of storage, data and high-performance computing connectivity. Compared with conventional AOCs, the technology can be more easily adopted in the new 100G AOC/SR 100G SWDM4 and 400GBASE-SR16 product series with a conventional VCSEL, it is claimed. Its extended reach plus superior low-power consumption means that a cost-effective and powerful cabling solution is accessible to data-center operators and high-performance computers, the firm adds.
“Our dedication to developing innovative products has translated into synergies for our business,” says O-Net’s chairman & CEO Austin Na. “We will seek to cooperate with more world-leading technology solution providers in the foreseeable future,” he adds.
The GN2147 is a solution for SFP28 SR modules and AOCs that includes dual ClearEdge CDRs, integrated transimpedance amplifier (TIA) and a VCSEL driver. Offered in a compact 1.7mm x 3.0mm bare die format, the transceiver consumes less than 400mW total power to enable highly differentiated module solutions. It uses proprietary VCSEL compensation technology to enable low-bandwidth VCSELs and extended reach beyond 150m OM3 fiber, and supports data rates from 24.0Gbps to 28.1Gbps to enable a wide range of applications.
“Semtech’s comprehensive ClearEdge CDR platform provides highly differentiated and innovative solutions to customers, which is an essential part of our long-term commitment as an IC supplier to our customers in the optical market,” says Dr Timothy Vang, senior director of datacom marketing for Semtech’s Signal Integrity Products Group. “The SFP 25G AOC segment will become a critical building block for medium-size data centers,” he believes.