- News
14 December 2017
CNBM begins production at China’s largest CIGS solar module factory, using technology from Avancis
© Semiconductor Today Magazine / Juno Publishing
China National Building Materials Group Corp (CNBM) has celebrated the ‘First Module Out’ production launch of what is said to be China’s largest copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) thin-film photovoltaic solar module factory.
The 55,000m2 factory is starting up with an initial annual output of 300MW, with a planned annual output of 1.5GW through future expansion to 270,000m2.
The technology was supplied by CIGS PV firm Avancis GmbH of Torgau, Germany, which has been a subsidiary of CNBM since 2014.
“China has ambitious solar energy programs. By the end of March 2017, the generated solar energy in the People’s Republic of China increased to 21.4 million kilowatt hours. Nevertheless, solar energy accounts for only 1% of the Chinese energy mix,” says Avancis’ CEO Oliver Just. ‘The demand for solar energy in the country is huge; especially the demand for premium-quality solar modules is enormous,” he adds. “With the start of production, we will have the opportunity to manufacture and market our high-quality thin-film technology on site for the largest photovoltaic market.”
The expansion of solar energy through gigawatt production facilities is being pursued in line with China’s high sustainability goals. CNBM hence has plans for three more gigawatt-scale CIGS solar factories in China, with groundbreaking ceremonies having taken place over the last two years.