- News
1 August 2017
San’an first to qualify new Aixtron Showerhead 19x2”-wafer MOCVD reactor for DUV LED production
Deposition equipment maker Aixtron SE of Herzogenrath, near Aachen, Germany says that San’an Optoelectronic Co Ltd (China’s largest LED maker) has completed the qualification of its Close Coupled Showerhead (CCS) process chamber, designed for the production of deep ultraviolet (DUV) LEDs.
Based on Aixtron’s CCS technology, the new process chamber is said to be the first commercially available metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) reactor that offers the extremely high process temperatures needed for the production of DUV LEDs. The enhanced chamber performance facilitates cost-efficient high-volume manufacturing of DUV LEDs, as used for water and air purification. The 19x2-inch wafer configuration represents the largest capacity currently available on the market for this high-end MOCVD application, claims Aixtron.
“The new Aixtron CCS reactor design is a key enabling factor for San’an producing next-generation DUV LED products with higher quantum efficiencies and significantly higher output powers,” comments Dr Ryan Chuo, VP of Technology Center, San’an Optoelectronics. “Already being one of the largest suppliers for LEDs, Aixtron’s newly designed process chamber perfectly supports our strategic targets in the area of DUV LEDs,” he adds. “We are very pleased to be the first company to qualify and utilize Aixtron’s new reactor kit.”
Aixtron MOCVD Sanan OptoElectronics