- News
6 April 2017
Advantech Wireless receives follow-on order for X-band line of SATCOM GaN-based SSPAs and BUCs
Advantech Wireless Inc of Montreal, Canada (which manufactures satellite, RF equipment and microwave broadband communications systems) has received follow-on orders from military customers for its X-Band line of gallium nitride (GaN)-based solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs) and block up-converters (BUCs) designed for tactical mobile military applications.
This latest generation of X-band GaN-based SSPAs/BUCs features what are claimed to be exceptional linearity and operating efficiency. The versatile systems are suitable for harsh environments, Satcom-on-the Move (SOTM) and man-pack terminal deployments.
“To-date we have received orders for more than 300 units, and our customers appreciate the high linearity combined with small size, and low energy consumption,” says Cristi Damian, VP business development. “The GaN X-band line of SSPAs is very versatile, with small-form-factor units for mobile applications, to medium power for maritime, and very high power for large teleports,” he adds. “Several models are either already WGS [Wideband Global SATCOM] certified, or in process of certification.”
Advantech Wireless says that its X-band GaN based BUCs are weatherproof and constructed in a compact cooling enclosure for outdoor operation. Based on ruggedized designs, the BUCs are claimed to be the smallest fully integrated units on the market and are enabling new terminal designs for both mobile and at-the-halt tactical communication systems.