- News
7 October 2016
AgileSwitch to be awarded patent for Augmented Turn-Off SiC module switching technique
AgileSwitch LLC of Philadelphia, PA, USA - which produces plug-and-play, programmable silicon IGBT and silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET gate drive assemblies to address demands for higher performance and functionality at higher voltages and currents - has 'allowed patent claims' related to its proprietary Augmented Turn-Off (ATOff) switching technique. The firm expects the formal patent to be awarded within the next 60-90 days.
ATOff addresses two significant impediments to the implementation of SiC modules in high-power applications. By reducing both turn-off spikes and ringing both under normal operation as well as short-circuit conditions (DSAT), SiC MOSFET modules can be operated in the higher frequencies that enable dramatic increases in power conversion density. A whitepaper describing the performance improvements attained using ATOff is available for download from AgileSwitch's website.
ATOff technology has been incorporated into AgileSwitch's first SiC gate drive assembly. The software-configurable EconoDual Electrical Master 3 (EDEM3) is optimized for driving SiC MOSFETs up to 1200V currently offered by Rohm Co Ltd. The EDEM3 provides up to 15A of peak current at an operating frequency up to 100kHz. The driver includes isolated HI- and LO-side DC/DC converters and monitors seven fault conditions that are reported as a combination of the three fault lines via the 20-pin control header. Applications for the EDEM3 include: solar/PV inverters, wind turbines, energy storage, battery charging, induction heating/welding, electric vehicles (HEV/EV), trains and other traction vehicles.
AgileSwitch intends to incorporate ATOff technology into new gate drivers for 62mm SiC MOSFETs from Wolfspeed, Semikron, Microsemi and others.
"SiC MOSFETs are bringing the promise of improved efficiency and size in power conversion systems, but complexity of designing drivers makes it very challenging for OEMs to take full advantage of these improvements," says CEO Rob Weber. "Our drivers using Augmented Turn-Off are providing OEMs with a fully-integrated solution."
Pricing is $150 (in OEM quantities). Delivery is 1-2 weeks after receipt of order.