- News
14 November 2016
Rohm presents third-generation SiC MOSFETs, Schottky barrier diodes and modules
At the electronica 2016 trade fair in Munich, Germany (8-11 November), Rohm Semiconductor of Kyoto, Japan presented its third generation of silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs, Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) and SiC modules. The new devices address the needs of efficient power delivery, offering solutions to reduce loss issues during power conversion. Rohm claims that it was first to mass produce SiC MOSFETs in 2010 and is developing products that target further power loss reductions.
Rohm is now mass producing what it claims are the first trench-type SiC MOSFETs. Compared with planar gate-type SiC MOSFETs, the new generation of SiC MOSFETs reduces ON-resistance by 50% across the entire temperature range and input capacitance by 35% in the same chip size. Optimum performance is achieved by combining low loss with high-speed switching performance. Increasing switching frequency also makes it possible to reduce the size of peripheral components such as coils and capacitors. As a result, conversion efficiency is improved, contributing to miniaturization, weight reduction, and greater energy efficiencies. The new SCT3080KL 1200V SiC MOSFET series in a TO-247 package serves as an example. In addition, Rohm will offer Automotive Electronics Council AECQ-qualified SiC MOSFET based on its second-generation planar series.
The third-generation of SiC Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) realizes what are claimed to be the lowest forward voltage (VF) and lowest reverse leakage current (lR) over the entire temperature range among all SiC SBDs currently on the market. In addition, they feature high surge current capability, which is suitable for power supply applications. Adding to the TO220ACP-packaged SCS3xxAP devices (launched in mid-October) operating at 650V/6A, 8A and 10A, Rohm has introduced D2PAK (LPTL)-packaged SCS3xxAJ and TO220FM-packaged SCS3xxAM devices while also adding lower-current (2A and 4A) options to the family.
Compared with silicon-based devices, SiC diodes exhibit ultra-short reverse recovery time, making them suitable for high-speed switching. Overall, these features contribute to the ongoing trend of high efficiency, high power density and highly robust designs, says Rohm.
Rohm's new full-SiC modules - including chopper-type modules for converters - integrate both mass-produced trench SiC MOSFETs and SiC SBDs. In addition to 1200V 2-in-1 (half-bridge)-type modules (the 80A BSM080D12P2C008, the 120A BSM120D12P2C005, the 180A BSM180D12P3C007, and the 300A BSM300D12P2E001), Rohm is preparing 1200V chopper-type modules (the 120A BSM120C12P2C201, the 180A BSM180C12P3C202, the 300A BSM300C12P3E201) for market. In addition, Rohm is working on a new power module with lower stray inductance.
Rohm showcasing new third-generation 650V SiC Schottkys and 1200V/180A full-SiC modules at PCIM
Rohm SiC Schottky barrier diodes