- News
16 May 2016
TMD giving live demos of new GaN MMIC-based microwave power modules at IMS2016
In booth 1849 at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2016) in San Francisco (24-26 May), UK-based TMD Technologies Ltd is giving daily live demonstrations of its new PTS6900 solid-state microwave power module (MPM) – a gallium nitride (GaN) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC)-based module optimized for EW/ECM (electronic warfare/electronic countermeasure) systems.
At IMS, the PTS6900 will be set up to operate into a dummy load, with the resultant output power shown on a display, says Andy Crawford, newly promoted to head of after-sales, TMD UK.
"Customers really appreciate TMD's philosophy of providing the benefit of both solid-state products, such as the PTS6900, and TWT-based products operating at high frequency and high power – epitomized by our new PTXM Series ultra-compact MPMs," comments TMD USA's regional sales manager Steve Olson.
The solid-state PTS6900 employs 0.25µm GaN MMIC technology to provide performance over the 2-6GHz range. The International Traffic Arms Regulations (ITAR)-free MPM offers an output power of 150W and adjustable 55dB gain. It also has instant start up, fast mute time, and a predicted mean time before failure (MTBF) of over 30,000 hours for an airborne uninhabited fighter environment.