- News
2 March 2016
EPC to show applications using eGaN technology at APEC
In booth #2244 at the 31st IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC 2016) in Long Beach (20-24 March), Efficient Power Conversion Corp (EPC) of El Segundo, CA, USA, which makes enhancement-mode gallium nitride on silicon (eGaN) power field-effect transistors (FETs) for power management applications, will exhibit more than 20 demonstrations showing GaN technology's performance.
Featuring its latest eGaN FETs and integrated circuits as well as customers' end-products enabled by eGaN technology, demonstrations will include wireless power systems that span the full power range of Qi and AirFuel standards and a multi-mode solution, a single stage 48V–1V DC-DC converter, 3D real-time LiDAR imaging camera, and an LTE-compatible envelope tracking supply.
Also, in the conference, EPC's experts are presenting the following six technical presentations on GaN FETs and ICs:
- Educational Seminar: '48V to Load Voltage: Improving Low Voltage DC-DC Converter
Performance with GaN Transistors' by Alex Lidow, David Reusch and John Glaser on 20 March (9:30am–1pm, Session S03); - 'Introducing eGaN IC Targeting Highly Resonant Wireless Power' by Michael de Rooij on 22 March (8:30–11:55am, Session IS04);
- 'Thermal Evaluation of Chip–Scale Packaged Gallium Nitride Transistors' by David Reusch on 23 March (8:30–10:10am, Session T11);
- 'GaN: Changing the Way We Live' by Alex Lidow on 23 March (10:30–11am; Exhibitor Seminar #5, Room 101B);
- 'GaN vs Silicon – Overcoming Barriers to the Rise of GaN' by Alex Lidow on 24 March (8:30–11:30am; Power Semiconductors Enabling Next Generation Applications; Session IS16); and
- 'Envelope Tracking – GaN Power Supply for 4G Cell Phone Base Stations' by Yuanzhe Zhang on 24 March (2–5:30pm, Session T45).