- News
21 March 2016
Advantech Wireless launches GaN-based 50W Ku-band airborne-grade SSPB/BUC
Advantech Wireless Inc of Montreal, Canada (which manufactures satellite, RF equipment and microwave systems) has launched the 2500-G Series 50W Ku-band gallium nitride (GaN)-based airborne-grade solid-state power block/block up-converter (SSPB/BUC) designed to meet stringent commercial airborne requirements and specifications.
The new SSPBs/BUCs provide high power density in a compact size and are suitable for use in the rapidly growing market for in-flight connectivity and satellite mobility services.
"Advantech Wireless' solid expertise in earth station SSPBs has now been combined with the specific features and operational requirements of airborne operation," says Cristi Damian, VP business development. "These new advanced GaN-based units are ideal for the next-generation airborne SatCom terminals. They provide high power with extremely high linearity and efficiency, while maintaining very high reliability," he adds.
With a design based on Advantech Wireless' industry-proven solid-state high-power amplifiers, the 2500-G Series' rugged and conservative thermal design allows operation over an extreme temperature range, notes the firm. The new Ku-band BUCs are designed to meet DO-160G specifications.