- News
21 April 2016
Skyworks reduces year-on-year energy usage by 14%, water consumption by 17% and hazardous waste generation by 33%
Skyworks Solutions Inc of Woburn, MA, USA (which manufactures analog and mixed-signal semiconductors) has released its 2015 Sustainability Report, a voluntary non-financial public document that addresses the firm's commitment to sustainable business practices. The report highlights continued efficiency improvements and provides an overview of Skyworks' initiatives in multiple areas, from its environmental efforts and labor practices, to its supply chain, health & safety programs, ethics policies and stewardship activities.
"As the world becomes increasingly connected, Skyworks is committed to delivering innovative solutions that meet our customers' challenges and reduce our footprint on the environment," says Bruce J. Freyman, executive VP of worldwide operations. "We drive our sustainability efforts across all of our business practices, from the launch of our products to their end of life," he adds. "We are proud of our accomplishments in 2015 and our progress over the past five years. Skyworks remains focused on achieving further environmental improvements."
In 2015, Skyworks continued its trend of manufacturing products with decreased environmental impact. Year-on-year, Skyworks has:
- reduced its energy usage rate by 14%, saving 33 million kilowatt hours (enough energy to power 2100 households for one year);
- decreased its water consumption rate by 17%, saving 51 million gallons (enough indoor water for use by 351 families of four for one year);
- lowered its hazardous waste generation rate by 33% (eliminating the creation of nearly 1 million pounds of hazardous waste);
- completed a Sustainability risk assessment of all of its major suppliers; and
- dropped its total recordable incident rate by 11%.
A complete copy of the report and additional information can be found at the web link below.