- News
11 April 2016
ALLOS transfers GaN-on-Si power semiconductor epi technology to customer
Technology engineering & licensing firm ALLOS Semiconductors GmbH of Dresden, Germany has transferred its latest-generation gallium nitride on silicon (GaN-on-Si) epiwafer technology to what it describes as a major international industry player that has systematically invested in GaN-on-Si epitaxy and device processing in recent years, as part of a comprehensive joint project to accelerate the customer's GaN-on-Si power semiconductor product development.
ALLOS has completed the first phase of the customer project to develop market-ready GaN-on-Si power semiconductor products. The project aims to improve the performance of upcoming products and accelerate time-to-market.
In the first project phase, ALLOS transferred its newest GaN-on-Si power semiconductor epiwafer technology to the customer in less than 12 weeks, including comprehensive training of engineers, detailed documentation, and proof of reproducibility.
"ALLOS capability to make a complete technology transfer possible in just 12 weeks, our guarantee of wafer spec achievement, and ALLOS independent IP platform makes a decisive difference not only for newcomers but also for experienced players in the GaN-on-Si field," says CEO Burkhard Slischka.
The customer was the first to receive this latest generation of ALLOS' technology, which has been developed and fundamentally improved over the last 18 months. The technology is designed for manufacturability and combines what is claimed to be excellent crystal and electrical properties with processing properties such as zero melt-back, zero cracks and controlled wafer bow. Enabled by good yield, fast growth times and the use of various multi-wafer reactor platforms, production cost per wafer area is on the same level as for existing GaN-on-sapphire LED wafers, it is reckoned, opening the way for GaN to compete with established power semiconductor technologies. "You need to combine and balance these properties in a wafer technology platform right from the beginning," believes chief technology officer Dr Atsushi Nishikawa regarding ALLOS' manufacturability strategy. "Many organizations who work on GaN-on-Si epitaxy achieve promising results on R&D level but don't reach the quality and reproducibility required in order to progress towards production."
In the second project phase, ALLOS' and the customer's joint team have now started work on improving the existing device technology to market-readiness. "In addition to ALLOS' established role as a provider of turn-key GaN-on-Si epiwafer technology, a main part of ALLOS' contributions to the project is in working on device processing and characterization topics in joint teams with the customer," explains Slischka. "Results from the project already show that the team can successfully combine ALLOS' technology and independent IP platform with the very good development achievements of the customer from the recent years. This way, the customer is able to achieve product development results faster and with significantly reduced cost and risk, while leveraging the R&D investments made previously," he concludes.
Transfer of ALLOS' 150 and 200mm GaN-on-Si epi technology to Epistar concluded in under 6 months
ALLOS licences GaN-on-Si epi technology to Epistar