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13 November 2015
Infrared LED market growing at CAGR of almost 8% to 2020
The infrared (IR) light-emitting diode (LED) market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of nearly 8% from 2014 to 2020 (in $US), forecasts the report 'Infrared LEDs – World – 2015' from market research firm IHS. This growth is led by the industrial sector (which is provisionally projected to grow 7% in 2015), driven by high-power infrared LEDs in closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and smoke detectors. Factory automation light curtains and smoke detectors are also important products in this area, adds the report.
Due to slowing growth in the mature consumer market (where year-on-year infrared LED revenues are projected to be down nearly 5% in 2015) and the economic situation this year in China and the world, overall infrared LED market revenue will only grow by 3% in 2015. However, growth rates are forecast to rise to a healthier 5% during the remainder of the decade, as CCTV cameras continue to be one of the key areas of growth in the market.
While the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region accounts for nearly 69% of total infrared LED revenue over the forecast period 2014-2020 (based on products shipped to location), revenue share varies by application. In consumer applications, where low-cost emitters for remote controls lead the market, APAC is even more dominant. However, in smoke detectors and CCTV cameras, there is a stronger market in the West, particularly in Europe.
The infrared market leader is Osram, which has led in terms of revenue in both 2014 and 2015. Other leading suppliers include Everlight, Lite-ON, Sharp and Vishay, notes the report.