- News
4 November 2015
5N Plus' co-founder, president & CEO L'Ecuyer steps aside
Specialty metal and chemical products firm 5N Plus Inc of Montreal, Québec, Canada says that Jacques L'Ecuyer has informed its board of directors of his intention to step aside from his current position of president & CEO. As a result, the board has initiated a process during the last quarter to identify a new president & CEO. L'Ecuyer will remain in post until the new president & CEO has been appointed.
"The board will be working closely with L'Ecuyer during this transition period and we are confident that we will be able to announce his successor in the coming weeks," says chairman Jean-Marie Bourassa.
5N Plus provides purified metals such as bismuth, gallium, germanium, indium, antimony, cadmium, selenium and tellurium, and also produces related II-VI semiconducting compounds such as cadmium telluride (CdTe), cadmium sulphide (CdS) and indium antimonide (InSb) as precursors for the growth of crystals for solar, LED and eco-friendly materials applications.
"Throughout the years at the helm of 5N Plus, Jacques showed passion, determination and drive which has positioned the company as the worldwide leading producer in specialty metal and chemical products," comments Bourassa. "The board wishes to express its gratitude for his enormous contribution to the company's development and looks forward to continue to benefit from his extensive knowledge of the company and the industry at the board of directors level."
L'Ecuyer co-founded 5N Plus in 2000 and has been president & CEO since its inception. Under his direction, 5N Plus became a leading producer of specialty metal and chemical products with operations and sales offices in several locations in Europe, the Americas and Asia. During his 15 years at the helm, 5N Plus' consolidated sales consistently increased to reach more than $500m in 2014.