- News
22 May 2015
MicroWave launches family of GaAs-based LNAs across broad frequency ranges
MicroWave Technology Inc (MwT) of Fremont, CA, USA (a division of IXYS Corp that makes RF and microwave discrete devices, MMICs, hybrid modules and connecterized amplifiers for wireless communication infrastructure, military/aerospace, industrial and medical applications) is now offering a family of four low-noise amplifier (LNA) products on open-carrier modules operating over wide frequency ranges:
- the 2-4GHz MwT-0204S/Z-LN600 has a noise figure as low as 0.8dB with 16dB gain and 18dBm P1dB;
- the 3-7GHz MwT-0307S/Z-LN600 has a noise figure of 1.2dB with 12dB gain and 16 dBm P1dB;
- the 5-13GHz MwT-0513S/Z-LN300 has a noise figure of 1.5dB with 13dB gain and 16dB P1dB;
- the 7-18GHz MwT-0718S/Z-LN300 has a noise figure of 1.9dB with 11dB gain and 16dBm P1dB.
All the modules have what are claimed to be excellent input and output matches of better than 1.5:1 VSWR. The open-carrier modules also have good gain flatness and variation over temperature across the frequency bands.
The open-carrier modules are fabricated using the MwT-LN3400 or MwT-LN600 AlGaAs/GaAs low-noise pHEMT devices. "Using balanced amplifier configurations, they can deliver excellent low noise and gain performances with ample linear power output together with excellent input and output matches across wide frequency ranges," says MwT's general manager Dr Greg Zhou. "The open-carrier module approach provides easy-to-use building blocks for various military microwave and commercial wireless amplification applications," he adds. "The technique will also allow flexibility in tuning and optimizing the modules to achieve demanding performance targeted at specific bands within the frequency ranges."