- News
17 June 2015
Dyesol becomes industrial partner of Solliance
Dyesol Ltd of Sydney, Australia, which is industrializing perovskite solar cell (PSC) technology, has agreed to become an industrial partner of Solliance, a European thin-film photovoltaic (TFPV) solar energy R&D consortium based in Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Solliance is a partnership of companies, research institutes and universities in The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, including ECN, imec, TNO, Holst Centre, TU/e, Forschungszentrum Jülich, University Hasselt and Delft University of Technology. Solliance provides laboratories and pilot-production lines that are jointly used for dedicated research programs.
The new three-year agreement gives Dyesol access to processing equipment and expertise suited to the commercialization of the firm's perovskite solar cell (PSC) technology on steel.
It is reckoned that Solliance's capability in roll-to-roll processing of flexible PV-enabled substrates, together with Dyesol's expertise in PSC processing, device design and materials, will enable both parties to accelerate the readiness of a commercially viable PSC-based steel product for supply to the substantial global cladding and roofing markets.
The agreement gives Dyesol access to the foreground and background IP of its Solliance R&D partners related to the R&D program, while protecting Dyesol's background IP.
"This commitment of Dyesol is a confirmation of the excellence, know-how and infrastructure that Solliance combines via its research partners," comments Solliance's director Huib van den Heuvel.
"Utilization of Solliance's laboratories and pilot-production lines will enable Dyesol to reduce its steel-related capital expenditure and increase internal focus on its core PSC technology development," says Dyesol's managing director Richard Caldwell. "The Solliance activities will be supervised from Dyesol UK and will complement Dyesol's participation in its other collaborations, including SPECIFIC [an open innovation center managed by Swansea University in Wales, UK that focuses on development and commercialization of functional coatings], where it will continue to benefit from close collaboration."
Imec reports perovskite PV module with 8% efficiency