- News
13 January 2015
Epiluvac receives order for SiC reactor from European research center
Epiluvac AB of Lund, Sweden has received an order for its EPI-1000X silicon carbide (SiC) reactor from a “leading European research center”. Installation and commissioning of the system will be completed during first-quarter 2015.
As a management buyout from Aixtron, Epiluvac designs and manufactures chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors consisting of SiC reactors (both bulk and epitaxy), GaN-pi reactors, and graphene/SiC reactors as well as other types of reactor, such as CVD for SiGeSnC and hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE).
Picture: Epiluvac’s EPI-1000X silicon carbide reactor.
The new EPI-1000X system comprises a reactor design in which both gas flows and heating system are unique, it is claimed, with the potential to drastically reduce problems with particles and parasitic depositions. While still a hot-wall reactor, the new reactor type has been simulated in detail, so the temperature profile inside the reactor can be adjusted during the growth cycle with a number of different heat zones in order to optimize uniformity.
The reactor is a single-wafer reactor but, due to the very high growth rate and efficient use of the precursors as well as minimal parasitic deposition, it is also applicable for production.
“This is another step in our ambition to supply the best possible CVD tools to R&D labs around the world,” says managing director Bo Hammarlund. “There is nothing like this anywhere in the world today,” he claims.
Sweden’s Epiluvac launches as manufacturer of SiC CVD equipment