- News
16 October 2014
MACOM launches high-power SP3T 100W reflective switch
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc (MACOM) of Lowell, MA, USA (which makes semiconductors, components and subassemblies for analog, RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications) has launched a high-power PIN diode single-pole three-throw (SP3T) switch in a common anode configuration, operating from 30MHz to 3GHz.
Designed for military and civilian users that require higher CW and pulsed power operation for radio applications, the MASW-011030 is capable of handling 100 Watts CW incident power at a base-plate temperature of 85ºC, delivered in a single 7mm HWFN 16-lead plastic package.
The device is manufactured using MACOM’s hybrid manufacturing process featuring high-voltage PIN diodes and passive devices and is a high-power switch suitable for use on land mobile radio and Mil-Com applications that require higher power.
Covering 30MHz to 3GHz, the MASW-011030 delivers 40dB isolation at 2GHz with insertion loss of 0.35dB and is 1B HBM ESD rated.
“The MASW-011030 is ideal for land mobile applications requiring high linearity, broadband performance and low loss,” claims Paul Wade, product line manager, Standard Products. “This symmetrical SP3T multi-chip solution integrates the superior and reliable performance of Si PIN diodes into a small-outline 7mm QFN package while providing superior thermal management through device exposed center paddle,” he adds.
Production quantities and samples of the MASW-011030 are available from stock.