- News
14 October 2014
MACOM introduces fully monolithic broadband surface-mount bias network
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc (MACOM) of Lowell, MA, USA (which makes semiconductors, components and subassemblies for analog, RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications) has introduced a fully monolithic broadband surface-mount bias network utilizing the firm’s patented HMIC process.
The MABT-011000 is designed for customers who need a rugged HMIC device with low loss and high performance with exceptional repeatability through millimeter frequencies. The large vias reduce inductance and allow customers to easily solder down the part, while the gold backside metallization provides the RF and DC grounding, says the firm.
MABT-011000 is suitable for the DC biasing of PIN diode control circuits. It functions as an RF-DC de-coupling network as well as the DC return and contains a series DC blocking capacitor. DC currents up to 60mA and DC voltages up to 50V may be used.
“The MABT-011000 greatly simplifies bias networks while delivering low loss and high performance, making this a reliable and efficient fully monolithic broadband surface mount bias network for 2-18GHz,” says product manager Paul Wade. “Utilizing MACOM’s patented HMIC process ruggedizes the bias network, which is ideal for the DC biasing of PIN diode control circuits.”
Table: Typical performance.
Parameter | Units | MABT-011000 |
Frequency Range(RF) | GHz | 2 – 18GHz |
Insertion Loss (dB) at 12 GHz | dB | 0.15 |
RF – DC Isolation (dB) at 12 GHz | dB | 60 |
Input Return Loss (dB) at 12 GHz | dB | 34 |
Output Return Loss (dB) at 12 GHz | dB | 37 |
Production quantities and samples are available from stock.