- News
25 November 2014
Toshiba extends series of compact SiC hybrid power modules to 3300V and 1500A
Toshiba Electronics Europe (TEE) of Düsseldorf, Germany has extended its family of silicon carbide (SiC) devices with the launch of a high-efficiency 3300V, 1500A power module. The MG1500FXF1US71 PMI (plastic case module IEGT) integrates an N-channel IEGT (injection-enhanced gate transistor) and an SiC fast recovery diode (FRD) into a package with a footprint of just 140mm x 190mm.
Picture: Toshiba’s new MG1500FXF1US71 3300V, 1500A power module.
Toshiba says that the new module can save energy, space and weight and reduce acoustic noise in high-power switching inverter and motor control designs. Target applications include rail traction, industrial motor control, renewable energy systems and electricity transmission and distribution.
The firm says that, compared with silicon alternatives, the use of an SiC Schottky barrier diode (SBD) significantly decreases reverse recovery current, and leads to a corresponding decrease in turn-on loss. A combination of the diode and an improved internal package design to reduce stray inductances allows the MG1500FXF1US71 to operate with a reverse recovery loss up to 97% lower than a module that uses a conventional silicon diode.
The MG1500FXF1US71 offers an isolation voltage rating of 6000VAC (rms for 1 minute) and can handle a peak turn-off collector current of 3000A. Collector power dissipation (at 25°C) is 5000W. An operating temperature range of -40°C to 150°C is compatible with the extended temperature environments that characterize the target applications.
During development, the 3300V, 1500A hybrid module was incorporated into a rail traction inverter design. By using the module the overall size of the motor control sub-assembly (including cooling system) was reduced by 40%. In addition, use of the module helped to reduce acoustic noise and improve ride quality, says Toshiba.
Toshiba SiC Schottky barrier diodes