- News
20 November 2014
Advantech launches 100W Ku-band GaN-based airborne-grade SSPB/BUC
Advantech Wireless of Montreal, Canada (which manufactures satellite, RF equipment and microwave systems) has launched the 2500-G Series 100W Ku-band gallium nitride (GaN)-based airborne-grade SSPB/BUC (solid-state power block up-converter), which is designed to meet stringent commercial airborne specifications.
The new SSPB/BUCs provide high linearity and high energy efficiency. The units are ARINC 791 compliant and are suitable for airborne SatCom applications.
“GaN-based SSPBs are ideally positioned for the next-generation Airborne SatCom terminals,” says Cristi Damian, VP business development. “They provide high power with extremely high linearity and efficiency, while maintaining very high reliability,” he adds.
The design of the 2500-G Series is based on Advantech Wireless’ industry-proven, reliable solid-state high-power amplifiers. The new Ku-band GaN BUCs are weatherproof and ready for high-order modulation schemes.
GaN HEMT HPA MMIC Ku-band satcom