- News
4 July 2014
QD Laser wins IEEE Photonics Society’s Aron Kressel Award
Kenichi Nishi, Mitsuru Sugawara and Keizo Takemasa of QD Laser Inc of Kanagawa Japan (which was founded in 2006 with funding from Fujitsu Ltd and Mitsui Ventures) have won the IEEE Photonics Society 2014 Aron Kressel Award for “pioneering contributions to the development of temperature-insensitive quantum dot lasers, and their commercialization and mass production for optical communication systems”.
The award is given annually to recognize individuals who have made important contributions to optoelectronic device technology having a significant impact on applications in practical systems. The intent is to recognize key contributors to the field in developing critical components that lead to the development of systems enabling new services or capabilities. QD Laser is the second Japanese recipient of the award since 2003.
A quantum dot laser uses quantum dots in the active layer of the semiconductor laser, as proposed in 1982 by professors Arakawa and Sakaki of the University of Tokyo. The laser has many unique features such as low threshold current, low temperature sensitivity, and high-temperature operation.
Following more than ten years of collaborative R&D between Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd and the University of Tokyo, QD Laser has developed high-density and high-uniformity quantum dot technologies, and commercialized quantum dot lasers as light sources for optical fiber communications.
The awards ceremony will be held on 13 October at the 2014 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC) in San Diego, CA, USA.