- News
23 July 2014
MACOM launches 15W X-band MMIC amplifier for radar
M/A-COM Technology Solutions Inc of Lowell, MA, USA (which makes analog semiconductors, components and subassemblies for analog, RF, microwave and millimeter-wave applications) has launched a new high-power gallium arsenide (GaAs) monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) amplifier suitable for X-band communication and radar applications.
The MAAP-015036, a two-stage 8.5–10.5GHz GaAs MMIC power amplifier, has a saturated pulsed output power of 42dBm, a large-signal gain of 17dB, and a typical 43% power-added efficiency (PAE). With a bias voltage of 8V, the power amplifier can be biased using a direct gate voltage or using an on-chip gate bias circuit. The device also offers a dual-sided bias architecture for optimum flexibility in assembly and board design.
“The MAAP-015036 is our highest-power amplifier in our family of new, high-efficiency GaAs MMIC X-band power amplifiers,” notes product manager Paul Beasly. “The combination of high power, high gain and excellent power-added efficiency performance, along with versatile biasing options, makes the device ideal for a wide range of X-band pulsed applications such as marine, weather and surface-movement radar, as well as perimeter security and communication links,” he adds.
Samples of the MAAP-015036 are available from stock.
MACOM launches high-power MMIC amplifiers for X-band communications and commercial radar