- News
1 January 2014
P+E names Labcare and AccuDEVICE as Asia distributors for HEMS hydrogen analyzers
Hydrogen gas impurity analyzer manufacturer Power+Energy Inc (P+E) of Ivyland, PA, USA has established sales alliances with Labcare Scientific Group in mainland China, HongKong and Macau SAR as well as AccuDEVICE Co Ltd in Taiwan.
Both distributors will introduce the new HEMS (hydrogen elimination mass spectrometry) analyzers to fabricators of compound semiconductors for light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes and other high-performance power semiconductors. The HEMS-T hydrogen analyzer is a full-spectrum analyzer capable of rapidly measuring parts-per-trillion (ppt) levels of all contaminant species that reduce product quality and yields. Integrated into the plants’ hydrogen feed lines and continuously sampling the gas, the HEMS instrument automatically detects and measures impurities that reduce product quality and yield and thus can significantly increase tool up-time.
Both firms will focus HEMS hydrogen analyzer sales efforts on compound semiconductor manufacturers that use metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) epitaxy processes, which require ultra-pure hydrogen with sub parts-per-billion (ppb) levels of oxygen, moisture, hydrocarbons and other contaminants (which adversely affect the optoelectronic properties of the fabricated semiconductor). Knowing the specific species and their respective concentration enables fab operators to manage the problems early, before the damage is substantive and there is major productivity loss, says P+E.
Shanghai-based Labcare Scientific Group distributes mass-spectrometry-related equipment and solutions for laboratory gas and industrial gas applications in mainland China, aided by a team of in-house analysis experts and sales representatives and a lineup of complementary products such as hydrogen generators.
AccuDEVICE Co Ltd is a Taiwanese provider of ultra-high-purity gas purification equipment, gas analysis equipment, detectors and specialty gas supply systems. The firm offers solution sales and maintenance services to semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan as well as Taiwanese companies operating in China. AccuDEVICE currently represents lines of equipment that are complementary to P+E’s full-spectrum hydrogen analyzers.
“Both Labcare Scientific Group and AccuDEVICE are strategic additions to P+E’s global network of sales and service providers for our analyzer instruments,” says P+E’s director of sales & marketing David Kepniss. “These companies are regarded as product and market experts in their respective geographies.”