- News
4 December 2014
AUREA launches InGaAs-based fast NIR single-photon-counting OEM module
AUREA Technology of Besancon, France has launched its newly designed SPD_NIR_OEM_120MHz fast NIR single-photon-counting OEM module, which is claimed to be the most compact and fastest near-infrared [900-1700nm] single-photon-detection module, suitable for the most demanding analytical and quantum technology applications.
Due to its Geiger-mode indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs) single-photon avalanche photodiode (SPAD) and its new enhanced embedded electronics, the module provides gated-mode operation up to a trigger rate of 120MHz with very fast timing resolution of <150ps.
The SPD_NIR_OEM_120MHz has a very-low-noise dark count rate (DCR <5.000cps) and high photon detection efficiency (up to 30%). Parameters set-up and data transmission are managed via USB and Bluetooth interfaces by using a graphical user interface (GUI). A DLL library compatible with LabVIEW and the most well-known programming languages are also provided.
AUREA will demonstrate the SPD_NIR_OEM_120MHz module in booth #1223 at the SPIE Photonics West 2015 event in San Francisco (7-12 February).